The medical base of the hotel Anglický Dvůr is based on the professionalism of our therapists, the natural resources of the Karlovy Vary region and modern medical equipment necessary for the effective treatment.
Anglický Dvůr offers a wide range of medical treatments in Karlovy Vary. The hotel’s balneology department has innovative equipment which meets the high European quality standards
A warm hydromassage bath with Karlovy Vary salt has a very soothing effect and a positive effect on the human body: the muscles relax, the blood supply to the skin improves, the metabolism is normalised.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
Classic massage is an effective method of treatment and recovery, which allows restoring health as well as preventing the development of various diseases.
Classic massage in Karlovy Vary has a general healing effect on the body, it relieves muscle pain, eliminates swelling, restores muscle tone, eliminates stagnation in vessels, improves lymph and blood circulation, restores neuromuscular function, strengthens musculoskeletal system, accelerates regeneration of tissue that has been injured.
Full body massage or partial underwater massage is performed in a special bath with mineral water from the healing springs of Karlovy Vary. During the treatment, the patient first relaxes in the bathtub with bubbling underwater jets, after which the masseur performs circular massage movements with the water jet from the hose, paying special attention to the problem areas of the body.
The water jets during the underwater bath massage can be at different pressures of 1.5-4 atmospheres.The massage is performed at a water temperature of 36-38°C.
Carbon dioxide gas penetrates the skin and dilates blood vessels, eliminates pain syndromes, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the respiratory center of the brain and increases the carbon dioxide content in the blood.
The result is lower blood viscosity, no stagnation and effective prevention of blood clots. Dry baths with carbon dioxide have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increase the contractility of the heart muscle, normalize breathing by making it deeper.
Mud therapy is a procedure of wrapping with a warm mixture of therapeutic mud and peat, which is placed between layers of foil, which acts as a conductor of heat and keeps the mixture at a constant temperature of 42°C.
Mud applications – application of therapeutic mud – is performed by prescription of a doctor on those parts of the body in which the pathology is localized. There are the following types of applications: collar, socks, gloves.
Gas injections or carboxytherapy is an effective procedure used to treat many diseases and improve the general health of the body.
The procedure is a spot injection of dried medical carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide (CO2) into problem areas. Research shows that carbon dioxide as well as oxygen is important for the body. Life is impossible without carbon dioxide as well as oxygen and they are closely interconnected in the body.
Heated layers of a mixture of peat, paraffin and paraffin oil (the temperature of the layers – 50-55 ° C) are laid out on the surface of the body, improving blood supply to the skin and subcutaneous glands. This procedure contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin and has a beneficial effect on smooth tissue.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
Magnetic field treatment using contactless devices has anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, improves blood supply to tissues and has a beneficial effect on ENT organs.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
The treatment is performed with a breathing apparatus, which rid the body of harmful oxygen accumulations that interferes with cell aging. This procedure contributes to improve the condition of internal organs, cardiac activity, elasticity of lung tissue and increased immunity.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
Infrared light has a warming effect, improving blood supply to the tissues and promoting muscle relaxation. Source of heat is tungsten fiber with temperatures up to 2600 ° C.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
The pulsating current penetrates deep enough under the skin, However, due to ultra-short pulses, delivers pain. This procedure not only improves blood supply to tissues, but also has a strong analgesic effect, and also has a beneficial effect on the work of the muscles.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
Mixed currents of different frequencies are aimed at stimulation. certain muscles, elimination of pronounced edema and elimination stagnation as well as on the analgesic effect.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
The heat effect of high frequency current produces a deep warming. certain areas of the body, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, improvement of blood supply and elasticity of connective tissues. Shortwave diathermy also has an analgesic effect.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
Inhalation of natural mineral water vapors significantly improves mucosal function of the respiratory tract. Couples have anti-inflammatory effect, dilute sputum and facilitate coughing up With asphyxiation and other serious diseases of ENT organs, mineral waters are added drugs, natural salts and extracts herbs.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
Lymphatic drainage hardware Massage overalls gradually act on certain areas body, providing a calming effect, and removing toxins from the body. The procedure improves the lymph and blood circulation, metabolism, removes swelling, eliminates skin laxity.
The procedure is recommended for the following indications:
This is a mechanical longitudinal wave in the frequency range above 20 kHz. The therapy uses high-frequency currents that are converted to mechanical energy and heat. The pulsed and continuous form of ultrasound allows targeted processing of both deep and surface structures
Ultrasound effects:
For its treatment, low and medium frequency currents are used.
It is widely used for musculoskeletal pain for muscle relaxation, anidematous, hyperaemic and analgesic effects.
It produces coherent monochromatic radiation from the microwave region.
Due to the effect of biostimulation, collagen is stimulated, tissue vascularisation increases, and vascular and epithelium regeneration is accelerated.
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